Saturday, February 28, 2009

Safeway 2/28 ONLY!

It looks like today (Saturday) is the day to head to Safeway. Grab an ad for these Safeway coupons:

FREE 2 liter Pepsi

$.99 Lucerne Butter

$.99 Kellogg's -$.70 Kellogs coupon from 2/22 paper (the butter & cereal coupons are limit 1 per transaction but with no minimum purchase requirements, so if you want more than one of each you will have to split them into multiple transactions. It's worth it for $.29 cereal.)

Also there is a $10 off $50 coupon that can be used only through 2/28 in the ad. Good deals with a 48 hour sale:

Tyson breaded frozen chicken $3.99
Iceberg lettuce $.49
Campbell's Select Harvest $.88
- $.50/2 coupon from insert
- $1 off 4 Safeway coupon from here

Lucerne dozen eggs $.87

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