Wednesday, June 3, 2009

May Savings from Safeway!

I'm working on my May totals to see how much I spent/saved. I just finished adding up my Safeway receipts. I spent $156.05 and saved a whopping $1066.07 -all just at Safeway & mainly because of the Living Well promo.

My total spent last month was $401.75 & saved $1841.20.


  1. That's awesome...great job!!

  2. I wanted to say something about the Kmart doubling in Colorado. Well, I went the morning and I was told they are not participateing. Any thoughts. I heard that all of Colorado was going to be particiating. Has anyone heard anything???? Sarah, CSprings

  3. I'm going to post about this later but I've already been to my Kmart once today. They were unaware of the doubling event. I showed them the email that corp. sent me and they took care of it. It took a long time to check out but was well worth it. I highly suggest that if anyone is going to plan to hit a Kmart for doubles to first email corp. and if the email says, like mine, that all Colorado Kmart's are participating to then print off that email and take it with you to the store. The email address for corp.
